The UTEP Black Alumni Network invites you to join them for a service project
Who: All alumni, family and friends are welcome.
What: Help clean and paint the fellowship hall at the AME Church. This will be physical work, so come prepared! Accommodations can be made for those who need it.
When: Saturday, February 24, 2018. Volunteers are encouraged to meet at the church at noon. We plan on completing the project by 2 p.m.
Where: Visitors Chapel at the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church, 518 N. Estrella, El Paso, TX, 79903.
Why: To serve our community! A partnership with Project MOVE.
A church is a home away from home for its members. Help beautify a location that brings such joy and comfort to so many.
How: Kindly RSVP to Pat White at 915-240-0339.
Bring: You are encouraged to bring water and anything else to keep you comfortable. Paint, brushes and cleaning supplies will be supplied, but feel free to bring your own if you want.
Attire: Wear UTEP Gear, closed toe shoes and whatever will help you to feel comfortable painting and cleaning.
Let us know about your experience afterwards by completing this link:
The UTEP Young Alumni Network and the El Paso Chapter invites you to join them at Keystone Heritage Park for a day of service
Who: All alumni, family and friends are welcome
What: Help beautify Keystone Heritage Park (http://keystoneheritagepark.com/). We will be painting the bird viewing stand, weeding, pruning, trimming and helping to set up a new display area. This will be physical work, so come prepared! Accommodations can be made for those who need it.
When: Saturday, February 24, 2018. We will meet at Keystone Heritage Park at 10 a.m. and get right to work! We plan on completing the project by 2 p.m.
Where: Keystone Heritage Park is located at 4220 Doniphan Drive in El Paso, Texas 79912. Visit their web page to view a map and learn more about the history, archaeology, bird watching and wetlands!
Why: To serve our community! A partnership with Project MOVE.
Keystone Heritage Park and the El Paso Desert Botanical Gardens is an archeological site, an archaic wetlands and a botanical garden. The 52-acre park in El Paso’s Upper Valley is a City-owned property leased to a volunteer Board of Directors who are charged with preserving and developing the Park.
How: Please RSVP using this link: tinyurl.com/utepserves18 or call 915-747-5592.
Bring: You are encouraged to bring sun screen, water, gardening gloves and anything else to keep you comfortable throughout the day. Paint, brushes and some gardening tools will be supplied, but feel free to bring your own if you want!
Attire: Wear UTEP Gear, closed toe shoes and whatever will help you to feel comfortable out in the open for a few hours (hat, sunglasses, long pants, etc.).
Parking: There is plenty of parking at Keystone Heritage Park.
Please contact utepyan@gmail.com with questions.
Let us know about your experience afterwards by completing this link:
The Rocky Mountain Alumni Network invites you to join them at the Sister Carmen Thrift Store for a day of service
Who: All alumni, family and friends are welcome
What: Help serve the Sister Carmen Community Center, by volunteering at the Sister Carmen Thrift Store. Volunteers will be asked to thank donors, accept donations, sort boxes and bags of clothes, hang clothes on racks, place priced items on the shopping floor, clean inside and the perimeter of the store.
When: Saturday, February 24, 2018. Meet at 12 pm. We plan on completing the project by 2 pm.
Where: Sister Carmen Thrift Store, 701 W. Baseline Road, Lafayette, CO 80026.
Why: To serve our community! A partnership with Project MOVE.
For nearly 40 years, as a non-religious agency, Sister Carmen Community Center has provided assistance to residents of East Boulder County who are in need, without discrimination. As a Family Resource Center, we have implemented expanded services and enhanced programming based on the FRC model to empower our participants to become self-sufficient. This model is a holistic coordinated approach that supports the entire family as they take steps towards
self-reliance in key areas that affect their stability. Visit Sistercarmen.org for more information.
How: Please RSVP by contacting Lorena Sanchez at lorsanchrz@yahoo.com, upon arrival at the store, you will be asked to sign a waiver and be given a tour of the facility and information about the center.
Bring: You are encouraged to bring water and anything else to keep you comfortable throughout the day.
Attire: Wear UTEP Gear, closed toe shoes, a sweater or jacket and whatever will help you to feel comfortable. Please leave valuables at home or in your vehicle.
Parking: Please park next door (to the west) at the Lafayette Library. (Directions are weird on google, so look for Sister Carmen Thrift Store specifically.)
Let us know about your experience afterwards by completing this link:
The San Antonio Network invites you to join them at the Strong Foundation for a day of service
Who: All alumni, family and friends are welcome.
What: Help serve the Strong Foundation – an organization dedicated to serving homeless families and their children.
When: Saturday, February 24, 2018. Meet at 9 a.m. We plan on completing the project by noon.
Where: Strong Foundation at 414 N. Hackberry, San Antonio, TX 78202.
Why: To serve our community! A partnership with Project MOVE.
Strong Foundation is a non-denominational faith-based 501(c)(3) organization. We help people get back on their feet, emotionally, financially and spiritually. We offer a place to live as well as food and clothing to families in need.
How: Please RSVP using the Facebook event page - facebook.com/SAUTEPALUMNI/
Bring: You are encouraged to bring water and anything else to keep you comfortable throughout the day.
Attire: Wear UTEP Gear, closed toe shoes and whatever will help you to feel comfortable.
Let us know about your experience afterwards by completing this link: tinyurl.com/utepalumnidayofservice
Don’t see your city listed? Please consider taking the lead on a local project or volunteering on your own. For information about creating your own project, please contact Jackie Reed at jreed2@utep.edu or (915) 747-5592.